Sunday, November 9, 2008

Part 1

Hi, this is my life story from the very beginning.

I was a tiny little fruit with an even smaller seed at the very beginning. I slowly grew with my friends and family. We had so much fun chatting all day and playing games. One of my favourite games was called "Catch the rain". In that game, we would try to catch as much of the rain as we could. It was a lot of fun as I always won.

Before long, I had grown up and it was time for me to leave my first house. I dropped from the tree and landed on the ground. There, I slowly stood up and walked towards the road. I decided to try and walk to the nearest town, which I soon found out was a few miles down the road from where I started.

A few days later, I finally reached a town called Leto. There, I met my first friends. Two of them were Longans and one was a Rambutan. We played all day and eventually got tired. I decided to find a nice patch of grass on the side of the road and go to sleep.

The next day, I woke up and found myself next to a building. I went in and found these devices called "computers". I used one and before long I knew a lot about this world. So, after a few hours on the device, I decided to set out on an adventure.

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